Press Release

UN Women to host “Making Every Woman & Girl Count’ virtual meeting with Stats-SL and Min. of Gender.

14 June 2021

The Making Every Woman and Girl Count initiative aims to address inequality and promote human rights in development efforts, while streamlining the importance of women in the delivery of Agenda 2030

Freetown, 14 June 2021— “Making Every Woman & Girl Count” (MEWGC), the flagship programme of the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN Women) will be presented at a virtual roundtable with various key stakeholders at 9:00 A.M on Thursday, 17 June 2021.

In collaboration with Statistics Sierra Leone (Stats-SL) and the Ministry of Gender and Children’s Affairs (MoGCA), the roundtable will be addressed by UN Resident Coordinator, -Mr Babatunde Ahonsi, Minister of Gender and Children’s Affairs, Hon Manty Tarawalli, Statistician-General, Prof Osman A Sankoh and UN Women Sierra Leone Head of Office, Ms Setcheme J. Mongbo.

The meeting aims to inform intervention strategies on the production and use of reliable gender statistics for effective policy and will discuss the importance of gender statistics and its relevance to the Gender Equality and Women Empowerment (GEWE) in line with the Medium-Term National Development Plan, the Gender Equality and Women Empowerment (GEWE) Policy, and the Sustainable Development Goals. It seeks to address the urgent need to increase the availability of accurate gender statistics for effective monitoring of frameworks that will inform policies and programmes that will spur meaningful and lasting changes in the lives of women and girls.

Globally, the Making Every Woman and Girl Count initiative aims to address inequality and promote human rights in development efforts, while streamlining the importance of women in the delivery of Agenda 2030. In Sierra Leone, it will support the achievement of the gender equality and empowerment of women by addressing the identified major challenges in a national assessment on gender statistics conducted in August 2019. 



                                                        Meeting ID: 962 3719 6578

                                                       Passcode: &x4G*pM

                                                      Meeting ID: 962 3719 6578

                                                        Passcode: 6128203

For more information, please contact: UN Women- Ms Baindu Massaquoi, 076602214 Statistics Sierra Leone: Mr Samuel Ansumana, 076824852.

UN entities involved in this initiative

UN Women
United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women

Goals we are supporting through this initiative