UN Country Team in Sierra Leone Common Country Analysis 2020 update

The United Nations Country Team (UNCT) in Sierra Leone launched the Common Country Analysis (CCA) exercise in 2018 to identify the “game-changing” priorities to accelerate the development progress of Sierra Leone. The 2018 CCA served as an analytical tool that informed the preparation of the United Nations Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework (UNSDCF) 2020-2023, which was signed between the UN system in Sierra Leone and the Government of Sierra Leone in October 2019. The UNSDCF 2020-2023 identified four strategic priorities—i) Sustainable agriculture and food security; ii) Transformational governance; iii) Access to basic services, and; iv) Protection and empowerment of the most vulnerable. The Joint UNSDCF workplan for the programme cycle of the UNSDCF was approved and operationalized in May 2020.